Technique: Connect to your inner power (Online Asynchronous Class)


In this online class, I will share an empowering technique that helps you believe in yourself and know you are capable of reaching your dreams! Wishful thinking isn’t enough. If some part of you thinks you can’t achieve something, you won’t. When can tap into our inner power, our Higher Self, or Spiritual Self, where infinite power, belief, and knowing resides.

After purchasing this class, you will have access to the course video link. This is a self paced course. Take your time and break the class into multiple learning sessions or do it straight through. This course gives you everything you need to do this on your own; however, if you want 1:1 support, I offer coaching to answer specific questions and walk you through the process of integrating these into your life.

How a past course participant and coaching client describes their experience:

“I really enjoyed the class. I am at a major transition in my life and it helped me to pull my cluttered thoughts together in order to believe in myself, and the version of myself, I wanted to be going forward. Beth is thorough, encouraging, and so helpful as a guide in the process that is so useful and necessary for anyone wanting to restructure their thought process and bring to themselves their best life.” - Sharon M.

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